Kids Gardening With LEDs

Basil LED plant lights

Basil LEDs Only

Having problems getting the attention of your kids?  Try plugging in LGM LED lighting.  Kids are mesmerized by the “disco ball” like light.   My favorite reaction came from a 7 year old girl who immediately dropped to the ground and curled up into a little ball on the floor.  I was mystified until she piped up, “I’m a seed.”  She wanted me to make her grow.

LED plant lights provide a safe option for introducing gardening to children at home or in the classroom.  The low-wattage design allows for a light source without shock, burn, or fire risks.  LGM lighting contains no lead, mercury, or glass parts.  As a teaching tool, the LED lighting has great potential.

LGM LED plant lights are compact, durable, scalable, and light weight.  Bars can be mounted easily over tables, desks, or bookshelves to provide a platform to teach children about photosynthesis, evaporation, propagation, biodiversity, decomposition, and a wide variety of other topics.    Gardening helps children gain hands-on, real world experience while creating a beautiful space to connect them to their school or home.   The kids will grow in more ways than one.

Thank You LEDers

LED grow lights

LED Peppers Blooming

If you are using or distributing the LED Grow Master line of plant lights, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you.  Everyone should be as proud of themselves as I am.   The best way I can think of to convince you that you should be proud is to explain what it is your lighting choice can do for the world.

The most obvious issue is energy consumption.  The Department of Energy has estimated that LED lighting could cut national energy consumption for lighting by 29% by 2025.  If you consider that lighting accounts for over 22% of all the electricity used in the US it is apparent that this transition can go a long way towards saving our dwindling natural resources as well as significantly reducing the pollution created by supplying this energy.  LED Grow Master lighting is the most efficient plant light on the planet, using significantly less energy even when compared to other LED grow lights on the market.  Saving energy is not the only way that you are contributing by using and promoting LEDs in the world of horticulture.

Water shortages are becoming more prevalent throughout the world.  It is hard to imagine the desperation that is felt in many parts of the world for this precious resource.  Since 1950 the world’s population has doubled and the water usage has tripled.  As our population increases our freshwater does not.  Because LEDs emit very little heat, we can dramatically reduce the amount of water required to produce food.  This concept is becoming increasingly important when planning a future in the many areas that do not have the luxury of a faucet.

The previous issues are of primary concern among much of society but they are not the only two issues effected by using LEDs in place of other light sources.  By using LED grow lights in your garden you require less nutrients and thus less waste is transported back into our water supply.  LEDs do not contain lead or mercury which is present in other light sources.  LED grow lights also have a much longer lifespan which greatly reduces the amount of material that will end up in our landfills.  The LED Grow Master line in particular is 100% recyclable at the end of the useful lifetime.  Thanks again LEDers.  –AL

Jump on the LED Train

solid state lighting

LED Grow Master lighting

LEDs offer more in the terms of efficiency, cost effectiveness, safety, and minimal environmental impact than any other form of lighting.  LEDs do hundreds of jobs and are found in thousands of devices.  The rapid advancement of the technology has created an extremely prosperous environment for companies that manufacture, distribute, and design LED lighting.  New products are steadily streaming on to store shelves creating success stories for thousands of companies jumping on the LED train.

As populations world-wide grow, so does the energy demand.  Governments have reacted with initiative to increase efficiency and reduce consumption.   This transition to LEDs as a part of the solution was made mainstream in part due to the Energy Policy Act of 2005.  One of the major components of the act was to promote the advancement of solid state lighting.   The US Secretary of Energy at the time was  Dr. Samuel Bodman who noted that “a set of revolutionary new technologies called solid state lighting offer excellent prospects for meeting our future lighting needs in a less costly, more efficient way than today’s incandescent and even fluorescent fixtures.”  Today,  we have seen the conversion to LEDs in lighting applications have an immediate, significant impact on energy use.   Nations looking for a plan quickly acknowledge LEDs as a simple method of meeting efficiency goals with the added advantages of greater safety and financial advantages over the status quo.

Here at LED Grow Master our sales have exponentially increased as much as 300% per year over the last 6 years.  Other niche LED lighting companies have experienced similar growth.  There is no time like the present to jump on the LED train.  It’s green and moving at the speed of light. –AL