Year Round Tomatoes

People want a year round supply of high quality tomatoes.  Many potential clients are forced to import them during the winter months.  Economically, it makes sense to create a year round supply because a shortage of local produce creates inflated prices during low production months.  The barrier to local growers has been the shortage of places in the US that get the required 14 hours of sunlight for more than 4 months out of the year.

HPS lighting has been the most common solution to bring a growing operation into year round production.

LED grow lights for tomatoes

Growing Tomatoes under LEDs

The drawbacks are enough to keep most growers producing in season.  HPS lighting uses ridiculous amounts of electricity and reaches temperatures of up to 1500 degrees Fahrenheit.   This excess heat creates a great deal of waste in terms of water loss and ventilation in warmer months when the price of electricity is at it’s peak.  These same lights have a very short lifetime making bulb replacements a recurring cost while adding poisons such as lead and mercury to our landfills.

LED Grow Master lighting uses 90% less energy than the most efficient HPS with only trace amounts of heat.  They are rated for 100,000 hours of life with no light degradation.  LGM products contain no lead, mercury, glass parts, or shock/fire/burn risks that are common in traditional lighting.

We can produce locally, efficiently, and year round.